Thursday, December 25, 2008

I need a tissue, I have daddy issues.....

A letter to my father......


I'm not really sure how to start this letter. I guess I'll just jump right in. It's been almost 10 years since I last had to write one of these letters and to be honest the fact that I've had to write to you about the same thing more than once is in fact a huge statement in and of itself.

I can not be your daughter anymore. I have no desire to be stepped on by any man in my life let alone my own father. From this point on I would prefer if you stayed out of my life. The flippant way you have of dealing with me and the way you take me for granted are crap and I refuse to be treated this way by you any longer.

You are my father, and I am your ONLY CHILD. I am the mother of your ONLY GRANDCHILDREN. How you could ever go over a month without contacting us is beyond me. I lived an hour and 30 minutes away and you couldn't be bothered to pick up a phone and wish me and the kids a happy Thanksgiving. In the last 4 weeks I have moved and bought a new house and no word from you, no offer to help, no request for a forwarding address.

I asked you if you wanted to participate in a gift for the kids for Christmas, a group gift so that no one set of grands got credit or had to carry the burden. You accepted and when it came time to pay up, you disappeared. I called you and gave you a chance to back out, I asked if you still wanted to be in on it and if not then we could figure something else out, you assured me that you were still in it, that you would get me the money soon. You called me TODAY on Christmas day to tell me that now you can't be in on it.....TODAY.

So here's where I say goodbye.

Don't call me any more. Don't bother my husband or my children. Don't ask your family about me. Leave me alone.

Thank you for your time,
Your Daughter
Qweenie Signature

Monday, December 22, 2008

Blog VD strikes again....

I done got tagged! My new friend over at Copper's Fox has tagged me with a MeMe (otherwise known as Blog VD), and now I get to infect others.....Bwahahahahaaa

Before I get started with that though, a quick update on my move.....So far so good! We have the whole house 75% unpacked and have full use of the kitchen, both baths and all 3 bed rooms. I may not get my Christmas tree up this year but I will get some decorations up if it kills me!

okay now onto the VD.....

Here are the rules:

• Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules in your post.

• Share seven random/weird facts about yourself.

• Tag seven random people and link to their blogs.

• Let each person know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment in their blog.

SO.... HERE WE GO...

1. I have spent at least one night in 30 of the 50 states, I have attended school in 6 states.

2. I am swedish on my mother's side but our relatives immigrated from Cuba to the U.S. not Sweden.

3. My kids are only 11 months and 16 days apart (take that, Brittany Spears!! Ha ha) but people always swear that they are twins.

4. My mother is my best friend and I talk to her about everything....I mean EVERYTHING!

5. I have at least 3 best friends I have never met in person.

6. I have a Buddha collection.

7. I have an irrational fear of food with bones in it (ie: chicken, fish, pork chops, t-bone steaks).

Okay so who do I tag....hmmm...let's see......


Have fun ladies!!
Qweenie Signature

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Moving Day


To join in the WW fun and too see here
Qweenie Signature

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Happy Birthday Winnie!

~ 4 months old~

My puppy Winifred turned 1 yesterday.

Is it still okay to call her a puppy?

She's such a funny little dog, I adore her when she's not trying to get me to kill her.

I just wish she and her "brother" Minot would get along better, she keeps trying to bite his balls and he hates her for it (as well he should). We decided to get her 'fixed' first, but now I'm wishing we had done Minot first.

She is constantly drinking water, you'd think she lives in the desert. Oh and she burps! Actual burps! In your face too, she doesn't mind at all....

She loves to chew and she loves to cuddle, she likes to run and she digs meeting new people.

Winnie is awesome and now she's 1......

Happy Birthday Winnie!!!

~ 1 year old~

Qweenie Signature

Monday, December 01, 2008

Do you Believe??

My kids have finally gotten to the age where they know that Santa isn't real.....they still believe in the magic of Christmas they just don't buy the one guy theory.

I LOVE Christmas and all things Christmas so in our house I try to keep the spirit of the season, the "magic", going. We bake cookies and give them to neighbors, we donate money, time and items to various charities.....we do whatever we can to support the season of giving.

And of course we are writing our letters to Santa.....

Imagine how thrilled I was to find out that Macy's is collecting letters in a special Santa letterbox at all Macy’s stores. For each letter received, Macy’s will donate $1 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. They have a Believe O Meter to measure the amount of letter they receive and special displays in the stores.

Make-A-Wish is a wonderful foundation and I am so happy to be able to do something to support them!! So if you have some time please sit down with someone you love and write a couple of letters to Santa, and be sure to check out the banner I'm putting in the side bar through Christmas.....Thanks guys! And Merry Christmas to you all!!

Qweenie Signature

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Return of The King or Hubby Comes Home.....

So I mentioned yesterday that my hubby, The King, has been living in a hotel in another state while waiting for the kids, the dogs and I to get moved down to him.

Don't feel bad for him (just in case you were) he's perfectly comfy and even has an indoor pool and hot tub to use.

Tomorrow The King returns....he's coming home for the holiday and it couldn't happen fast enough! Not only do I miss the sound of him snoring in the bed next to me, but I need a break from these damn kids! I may run out of the house screaming as soon as he gets here.

I have had it with this single mommy thing I've got going on.... I have always admired single moms because I had a single mom (for a period of time) and I know how hard the job can be to do alone. Let me just say that I HATE IT! IT SUCKS!

I am tired. I am stressed. I hate homework. I am sick of cartoons.

Did you know Jabba the Hut had a gay uncle? Well now you know. I didn't know, but I had to watch The Clone Wars with the kids because Dad wasn't here and now I know.

If my youngest 'sings' the last words that come out of my mouth ONE MORE TIME, I will burst!

The dogs are driving me nuts, Winnie likes to sit in the recliner with Dad and get snuggled so now she jumps into my lap every time I sit down.

The beings in my house NEED their daddy.......I just need a coffee break!!

Please send help.....a life jacket, a raft......a Starbucks gift card perhaps*....... OR just good vibes for clear roads so that King can get home tomorrow!

*All donations (whether material or spiritual) are appreciated!
Qweenie Signature

Monday, November 24, 2008

Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death..........

I have been absent.

Very absent.

It turns out that occasionally life is hard and takes work.....demmit!

When the kids went back to school in September I though I would have a ton of time to blog and play around on the net. No such luck. First I got sick, yep sick....I caught a cold. A cold that lingered then turned into bronchitis. The bronchitis lingered and while coughing and hanging up a jacket, I popped a rib.

Yes, you read that right....POPPED A RIB.

Popped it right out of place. Seems that this is a fairly common thing but the hell if I knew about it. Did you know about it?

Anyway a wonderful mom at a soccer game mentioned it to me and encouraged me to see a chiropractor, I went the next day and had my first adjustment in a series. I'm still sore today but mostly 100%......finally.

Oh and did I mention that during this time I found out that King had an interview for a new position within his company. Of course my hubby is the kind of man that gets any job he interviews for, so he got the job.

And now we're moving.

Last weekend I found a new house in a town five hours from here, we made and offer, and it was accepted as written. We'll be closing in two weeks, the movers come a week after that. Till then King is at the new job, living in a hotel and I'm playing single mommy to 2 boys and 2 dogs.

I am exhausted.

So here I am, once again begging for your forgiveness. Hopefully absence does make the heart grow fonder and you'll all be smitten with me once again......

Qweenie Signature

Friday, November 14, 2008

Haiku Friday: Blocked yet Bailed Out

My Haiku's are brought to you today by The Ace of Hearts' little girl friend whom we'll call "The Hatter" as she's quite crazy and funny and just an all around "mad" kid.

The Hatter learned about haiku in school and when I mentioned Haiku Friday she asked if she could write some for my blog. Since I've not posted anything in quite some time (ie; blocked) I figured it couldn't hurt.

So here you are Haiku Friday brought to you by a 10 yo "Hatter".....

Haiku's are poems
they are like short word puzzles
they don't need to rhyme

Pigs really like mud
Monkeys do not like mud
but I do like mud

Trees are brown and green
though there is color inside
that is always missed

Will pigs ever fly?
I think it may happen soon
they should stay on land

So what do y'all think? She did a great job in my opinion but then I'm biased because I like the kid. Thanks "Hatter"!!

For more Haiku Friday or to play along please go visit over at A Mommy Story.
Qweenie Signature

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Changes


To join in the WW fun and too see here
Qweenie Signature

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Judith!!

Happy Birthday to you, Judith! I adore you and hope that this day is a great day for you! Enjoy!! Here are some flowers for your day, yellow for friendship and red for love!!

My dear friend Judith Shakespeare is celebrating her birthday today and I just wanted to show her some bloggy love!! So if you want to show her your love too, do a Happy Birthday Judith post and Link it back here.....'cause WE LOVE YOU JUDITH!!!
Qweenie Signature

Weekly Winners: Sept. 21-27


The King and his girl.....

End of Summer....

The Babysitter....

Nature finds a way.....

For more Weekly Winners please visit Lotus, she's an excellent hostess I promise!

Qweenie Signature

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Fall Colors


more fall colors

fall colors


To see more or to participate yourself go to Wordless Wednesday or go to 5 Minutes for Mom.....
Qweenie Signature

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekly Winners


This week's edition of Weekly Winners is brought to you by Winnie....

Sleepy puppy....

a boy and his dog.....


For more wonderful Weekly Winner photogs, head on over to Lotus' place....

Qweenie Signature

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Actually Wordless Wednesday


To see more or participate yourself go to Wordless Wednesday or go to 5 Minutes for Mom.

Qweenie Signature

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weekly Winners

Afternoon nap.....

Dad coaching the kids.....

I just love photos of the moon.....

For more wonderful Weekly Winner photogs, head over to Lotus' blog
Qweenie Signature

Friday, September 12, 2008

Haiku Friday

I thought that on Haiku Friday's 1st birthday I would go ahead and take a stab at 'Ku-ing, then I thought why not drag the kids into it too....

So here you have it, our first attempt....

Minot and Winnie
our funny puppies, eat cheese
and have horid gas

~Ace of Hearts

orchids, so pretty
my collection is growing
it's an obsession


my mom annoys me
she asks me to do chores, suck
love her anyway

~Knave of Hearts
Qweenie Signature

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Ignoring the "Get Down" command.....

Yes, I am a soccer mom.....

Qweenie Signature

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

I planned to put up photos of the "after" of my livingroom, of course I did not plan on my kids making a huge mess and it needing to be cleaned FIRST. Ohwell maybe next time....instead here's a pic of my puppy-in-law Ellie. She a very sweet girl and I just had to get her up on my blog.

Qweenie Signature

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Saturday!!

Just a little tid bit of trivia to make you giggle....

"Victorians used the term 'limbs' as a euphemism for legs, which were thought to be so sexually exciting to a man that even a glimpse of a table leg could incite him to sexual frenzy. Table skirts were invented to prevent any unnatural unions between men and furniture."

Makes you think of the dining room in a whole new light doesn't it?

Qweenie Signature

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Crap I meant to get done before Labor Day....(Thursday Thirteen)

I had a whole lot I wanted to get done in the 3 months that the kids were out of school and I was out of work, but now with the first day of school looming over yonder, I realize that I "ain't done squat".

And that here are some things (13 of 'em actually) I "meant" to get done.....

1. Go fishing with my guys~ We used to get out fishing at least a dozen times as a family and now they mostly go with Hubby or Uncle.

2. Paint the Bathroom~ It was an awful red kitty litter textured mess, now it is primed and waiting for that last coat of paint....and has been waiting.... for months

3. Clean the carpets or get the puppy to stop having "accidents"~ That puppy is still doing it!! Just to irritate me I just know it...

4. Paint the Livingroom~ Okay we moved in almost 3 years ago and I finally found a color I like...

5. Organize the garage~ I've done this every few months since we moved here in an effort to NOT become like all the other people who can't park their cars in the garage....

6. Move the Hostas and plant more Irises~ Again, almost 3 years and just now getting to this...

7. Detail my car~ Also a chore that should be done every few months in great detail because as we all know, children ruin your stuff and if you don't keep up with it it will bowl you there's a smell coming from the backseat....

8. Go swimming~ I LOVE to swim, sadly we have been so busy this summer I haven't found the time to go to the local pool.

9. Fix the upstairs shower~ Seriously the damn thing has been broken (plugged?) since April. Would it kill Hubby to call for help??

10. Re-do the home office ie: Organize!!~ More of the same....

11. Weed the flower beds~ Now that sounds like a wild thyme...hahaha, get it "wild thyme (time)". okay sorry bad joke...

12. Paint the paneling in the basement~ oh it's awful and the only thing I can do to fix it for now is paint it...

and finally...

13. Go on a family trip~ The Knaves have been busy all summer .....gone at camp, at the lake with Nana & Papa, visiting at Uncle Frank's and hangin' with friends..... Heck, Maybe we'll get a quick trip in this fall.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Qweenie Signature

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Penny Saved.......

I am a very budget minded person....usually. Though I am occasionally prone to flights of financial fancy, for the most part when it comes to household items I stick to the budget.

I know in these times of $4+ a gallon gas, every little bit helps.

I'm a coupon clipper myself, so when the LUVS people came to me and said they were handing out $5 coupons on their website tomorrow (June 25th), I just HAD the pass it on to all of bloggy friends.

Oh and remember that hilarious youtube video of the woman singing all the "mom" phrases in time to the William Tell Overture? Well her name is Anita Renfroe and she's got a new video and LUVS is offering a Photobucket

How awesome is that? A coupon AND a Photobucket

Qweenie Signature

Friday, May 30, 2008

That Not So Fresh Feeling.....

I've been on the verge of an emotional break for about 2 weeks now. It's nothing new, I usually have them at least twice a year.

It's like a prolonged PMS.....I'm bitchy, weepy, irrational and loopy. I crave sweets and then hate myself for indulging. My body aches, my head hurts and my ankles are swollen.....

The kids are done with school next week and will soon be under foot 24/7 so I know that's part of it too. I also have an issue with change.....I grew up an Air Force brat and because of that I got used to moving or changing every couple of years (at least), and we've been in this town, this house for 3 summers now. I'm feeling the itch to move......

Honestly I don't know where I was going with this other than to offer an explanation as to my erratic posting schedule and beg forgiveness for my lack of blog rolling..... Yeah right like you want to hear my excuses, LOL
Qweenie Signature

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wordless Wednesday


Moon over the Soccer Park

pink tree2
Pink Tree down the street

Qweenie Signature

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm a TopMomma!!

Please please please vote for me!!

I'll be all your bestest friends.....okay I'll try to be your bestest friends.....okay I'll try to read my blog roll more than once every 2 weeks.....Promise!!!

Click here to vote for me...look for my happy little Qweenie icon and click the hell out of it!

Thanks friends!!
Qweenie Signature

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

No really, that IS super helpful!!

I told him I was cleaning......

making sure to hold the couch in place

I said "Don't lay there, I'm going to dust and vaccuum"........

helping with spring cleaning

He said "But I'm helping" and started snoring, and despite his 'help' I got it all done........

cleaned it in spite of him
Qweenie Signature

Monday, May 05, 2008

Wait, What's going on today??

There are four people in my family including myself. Three of those four people needed to be somewhere at 6:00 tonight. Actually The KoH was supposed to be in two places, The KoS in one place and The King in yet another.....Thank goddess we quit Boy Scouts or tonight could have turned tragic!

Also, today was Cinco de Mayo.....or May the 5th. To celebrate Cinco de Mayo I had to bring non-alcoholic sangria to The KoH's class. Really it was just an excuse to hear a little about mexican traditions and then pig out on bean dip and chips...but it was cute. There's a girl in KoH's class that I think likes him, but she doesn't want to like him, so she comes up to me everytime I'm there to tell me that HE likes HER and not the other way around......sure, sweetie.

I'm ready to start planting my flower pots but alas I don't know if the winter is really over or not since we woke to snow just last Monday......
Qweenie Signature

Monday, April 28, 2008

I've been a bad bad girl.....

So I typed up a very long, very fact filled post all about why I haven't been blogging and all the things going on in my life......

but my laptop battery died right before I saved!

So there was a bunch of crap about being busy and the Knaves playing sports and it fricking snowing here TODAY......

Anyway, since I don't remember it all so I thought I'd post a photo of what I woke to this morning instead.....

April 27, 2008

In this next photo you can just see the possible blue sky behind the snowy branches...

Blue sky through the snow

So yay! for me, snow. Snow on the ground with just 6 weeks till school gets out for summer. Great! Fabulous! Terrific! {if you can't tell I'm sick of snow}....

Anywho....if I can recover the other post I wrote I will post it as well, otherwise I will try to be back next week....same Qweenie time, same Qweenie station.....
Qweenie Signature

Books, books...I love them...

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The Queen's Fool
Thunder Bay: A Cork O'Connor Mystery
Just One Look
The Everafter War
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
The Eyre Affair
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